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Benchamarking - number of accounts in your community

  • 26 August 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi All, I run a customer only community which is in its first year. I want to understand what benchmarks can I work with in terms of number of accounts in community by end of 2024.

Would love to hear from what does your goal look like - X% of your customer base in community or if there are industry benchmarks around that?


Thank You!

This is interesting topic, I will follow this.

We dont have any Salesforce etc. integrations to follow this easily but we have studied our member base because we have SSO in use. We founded that roughly 50% are our customers. We know that actual ratio is bigger but they have registered anonymously and we cant track their customership at all. We estimate that 70-80% of members are customers. Probably even more.

Our community is public, mostly problem solving p2p community. Launched 2014.

Hope this helps a bit.
