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Hey everyone! Is it possible to add a button to a Quicklink?

I’d like to have a CTA in the button like “Learn More” or “View Offer” 

Below is a screenshot for inspiration.

Thanks for any help!




Yes and no.

Yes: A Quick Link is a button. You need to provide a URL and clicking on it will take them there. (I don’t think you can do a quick link with providing a URL)

No: You can’t style it in the way you’d show in your question

Thanks @DannyPancratz - appreciate the quick response. I think a good feature request would be the ability to add a CTA button. 

Hey @Taylor Lecky, I’m sorry but I couldn’t fully understand your question however I believe this might be possible with some script work. 





Is this screenshot from a widget in your community?

If you’re able to provide more info about this showing your community and I can see if this is possible - feel free to submit a ticket at 
