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Hi Community! I am wondering if I can edit the copy on the window that opens up when you click the i on the ‘What topic are you creating’ in a ‘Create a topic’

We want to remove the Idea since we removed the ability to create Ideas for now.


I would guess you can. It’s probably a hidden phrase they’ll need to provide for us to input into the phrasing editor within Control. 

Thanks for asking this! I just recently hid ideas as well and missed that this tooltip will need updating. 

When you’re logged in as an admin, toggle on the “Phrases” option and then just hover to the Idea - you’ll see this text showing up:

If this doesn’t work, you can add this phrase on Control:

Module: Forum
Key: topic.form.type.idea.tooltip

Let me know if this helps 😉

@DannyPancratz @ryanne.perry 

@leo-inspired thanks, but that doesn’t quite solve it. 

Even with the Idea option hidden via CSS, editing that phrase just removes the description of Ideas, not the Idea option from the tool tip.


Ohhh so you want to hide the “Idea” tooltip, not change the text. My apologies, I guess I read this wrong. Add this to your Custom CSS:

.qa-topic-type .tooltip__content p:nth-of-type(3),
.qa-topic-type .tooltip__content label:nth-of-type(3){
display: none;

This is a little hack because we don't have a specific separator class for just the Idea tip, so I'd recommend double-checking that it doesn't cause any issues on the Create New Topic page, but I believe it should be fine 😀

Thanks, @leo-inspired; that worked for me!

Worked for me as well! Thank you @DannyPancratz & @leo-inspired !
