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We’ve started implementing some manual points for things outside of gamification.

I just want to confirm that if x points are awarded to a user on x date, that it will be reflected in their point totals for that time period on the user dashboard. 

Hi @DannyPancratz!

I tested this out by adding points via the API and it seems to not work that way. The points do get updated and is reflected on the leaderboards, but in the user dashboard the extra points do not seem to register. 



@ravi.kurma I’m not seeing points reflected on our This Week leaderboard. Do you know if it should or if it’s just an All Time leaderboard thing?

Hi @DannyPancratz!

It should reflect both, there might be a small delay in the the process. Are they not updating on your side?

And just like that… they’re showing up! Must’ve been a delay. 

Thanks for the fast reply, @ravi.kurma 

Also, good news! It looks like these do show on the User Analytics dashboard in Control. May have just been a delay there yesterday when you tried it out. 

My top user’s points on that Dashboard match his points on the leaderboard for this week and the activities don’t add up on standard gamification scores, but they do when you add the 130 bonus points he’s earned

Coming in with another update: 

I’m not positive this is working with the analytics and dashboards. 

Manually awarded points are displaying on the front end leaderboard, but a user I awarded points to yesterday does not have those points reflected on the user dashboard. 

I’ve also recently tested this again today by adding 10 points to someone with 0 points this week. The front end leaderboard updated within minutes. But I’m not seeing those points on the user dashboard. 

@ravi.kurma @Kenneth R @matt enbar as I do my EOM reporting, it seems like this may be been resolved. 

The point totals I have don’t add up with the out-of-the-box values assigned and seem to match what we’ve added via Zaps / the API. 

Was this a “bug” that was fixed? If so, this idea can be update to reflect delivered: 


tested it this morning. points showing in the user analytics dashboard. Yes! 😁

thanks to the team! 

