
Embedding Video URL Workaround

  • 10 October 2018
  • 7 replies

Hello all,

We are working on embedding videos into our community. I know that the popular uploading services are supported. However, some of our users will be blocked from YouTube and those websites due to a firewall.

Long story short - is there any way to work around the embed by URL process?

Can I hyperlink a photo to take it somewhere else? I tried using a code in the backend, but it looks like only one code bracket can be used at a time?

This is the closest I got:

Embed via url in back end:

What it looks like on front end:

I'm not finding any topics on this, and I'm new to the community and would love to learn more about how I can possibly do this or if inSpired has any insight on their coding support.

Thank you!

Best answer by Julian 11 October 2018, 13:21

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7 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +3
Hey Moriah,

first of all welcome to the inSpired community! ✋

I suspect that you are mixing up a few things here. 🙂 Embedding a url (like this hyperlink ) is something different than embedding videos (via the dedicated button):

Also it is currently not possible to add a hyperlink to an image, but I like the idea!

If I undertstand it correct, you ideally would like to upload videos into your post directly, so that you can exclude any other websites that your users might not be able to see?

Unfortunately this will not work this way. The main reason why we do not offer an option to upload videos directly to our servers is abuse: We cannot make sure that people are not uploading illegal/copyrighted material to our platform, as we do not have any system to scan such content.

How long are the videos that you try to show to your users? Do they have audio?

You have several options in my opinion:

  • Convert the video into a gif and embed that (steps are explained here)
  • Upload it to another platform (that is not blocked for your users) and simply post it as a hyperlink (let me know if you need help with adding a hyperlink)
  • Host it on your own website / server and post that link

Please let me know if that helped you, also if you have additional questions around this!


Thank you, Julian! You were understanding everything I was saying completely. I appreciate the thorough response and information!

I do also like the idea of hyperlinking an image. Best wishes to you!
Userlevel 3
Badge +3
Good to hear that! :)

If you like the idea: Sam actually submitted this idea today, I'd suggest you give it a vote then. 😉
If the party that hosts your videos supports oEmbed (, then Insided can add support for them in their WYSIWYG editor.

Our videos are hosted by Ping, they got in touch with Insided to implement their video player: 🙂
Userlevel 1

Hi all, 


Am I able to check that there’s no frontend option for community members to upload videos in the same way that they upload a photo, without needing to upload it to Youtube or Vimeo?  

Checking to see if there are any updates to how you can embed video. We can upload and store videos in our own system which generates an embed code. Does anyone know if this will work with adding it as a hyperlink? Or what the best practice is here?

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @ryanne.perry - our native ‘Embed media’ feature within the community only works with the formats described here.  If you have videos hosted in your own system I don’t think you’ll be able to embed them within topics using your own embed code, as community conversations aren’t designed to support custom code, but you should be able to do that on a page that has Customization mode within an HTML widget (for example, in a widget on your homepage).  The best practice for your case, within community topics, is likely to simply be to link your videos using text/hyperlinks rather than embedding.  Or to upload your videos to a supported platform so they can be embedded.  
