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Note: I realized after writing this that you can use this same approach for pretty much any webhook event (US Docs / EU Docs) for which you might want an alert/notification. 


My Use Case: I want to allow community members to create their own Public Tags.

For one, it’s a way to monitor their experience with the community:

  • We have a robust tag taxonmy with our product features pre-poulated and key terms
  • If they’re adding a tag, why? 
    • Is it a topic we’re missing and that could be of interest? 
    • Is something unintuitive about the existing tag or product feature name? If so, how might we adjust? 

For another, “sunlight is the best disinfectant” and the visibility of typos or redundant tags is best caught and fixed early. Rather than a quarterly tag audit of massive amounts of tags, I can edit/merge/edelete new tags shortly after they’re created. 

My Solution: 

Thanks to the quick work of the GS team, they made a private webhook event public. 


From there, it took me just a few minutes (less time that it took to write this post) to set up a custom slack automation with Zapier. (If you don’t use Zapier, you could do this same thing with other automation tools that leverage APIs).

Zapier automation overview, details below
  1. Catch the Hook with Webhooks by Zapier 
    • You’ll need to subscribe this Trigger step to the webhook (link in question above). I use Postman to do that; it’s pretty simple once you learn how
  2. Find User by ID (pre-built GS CC action -- called Insided on Zapier)
    • ID is part of the payload for the webhook events
    • This is a “nice-to-have option” if you want your alert to tell you which member created the new tag
  3. New Channel Message (pre-built Slack action -- but you could do this with Teams, email, whatever)
    • Customize to your liking!
    • Here’s mine, sent to my #community-ops channel for these types of automated alerts I’ve developed. As you can see, I’ve linked to the profile of the member who created the new tag, as well as the Public Tags administration in Control for a fast route to edit/merge/delete the tag, if necessary, and save myself a bunch of clicks. 
      Custom Slack Alert 


@anirbandutta @revathimenon @Alistair FIeld can someone from the team please update the title of this post to “How to automate notifications for new Public Tags Tor any webhook event]” ?

Done @DannyPancratz 🙌🏼
