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I would like to deactivate a system email. How can I do this?

  • 23 March 2021
  • 4 replies

We already send automated emails with certain system emails such as User account is successfully activated. How can we turn these off so customers don't receive two emails?

Afternoon @Moller Toma ,

I was just looking around to see if there’s been any previous discussions on this one. It looks like there were plans to make this possible, as mentioned in another thread. 

I’ve not seen anything in Product Updates since then however, Perhaps @Julian might know more on progress?

Unfortunately, this is currently not possible. This has to do with how our notification system is working internally and how it is connected to many different core elements of our infrastructure.

I have investigated this a couple of times already, trying to find something that I can change (read: intentionally break) so that I could stop one or all notification mails from being sent, however this is so deeply rooted that there is no quick way to achieve this.

It seems to be quite a bit of reworking of the platform would be necessary to establish such a feature. This is a challenge as this makes it less attractive for us to work on this compared to other feature requests that have a bigger positive impact, looking at the time we need to invest. Of course this does not mean we are reluctant to work on this only based on time invested, however it should also match the demand from the market.

I know we also were looking into giving you the option to disable certain notifications while performing moderation actions (e.g. the “new topic” notification when you are moving topics between categories), as this is a common use case.

So I understand you correctly that you are seding an automated mail from an external system in the moment a user registers on the community?

If it is not possible or desired to disable the email on your side, then you could maybe think about repurposing the email that the community sends, so that it is not carrying the message “account activated” but rather holds information like “here are some tips / must reads to get you started”.

Hey @Julian ,

Any updates on this? The current email system on Gainsight Community platform is quite limited compared to the capabilities that we have in our email tool, and I’d rather use that for some of the emails.

What’s missing on Gainsight tool:

  • A visual editor to creating emails
  • A/B testing possibilities
  • Data on open rates, click rates etc.

Hi @Senni,

Thanks for asking. Currently there is no real way to route the notification emails via a third-party tool, I am afraid. 

Only thing that I can mention is that we are working on a new notifcation center, which is likely to impact how the notifcations work in the future. We are also planning to have more analytics around email notifications, so hopefully we will be able to offer that to you soon. 
