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Would love to pick your community brains! 🧠
My community will be celebrating it’s 1 year anniversary in Feb and I’m looking for some ideas for my campaign to mark this milestone.
I love this post but it’s now a bit old so wondering what more recent anniversary campaigns you’ve delivered and what you did?

Oooo, exciting and congratulations @sarahmasterton-brown !!! 😍

We recently celebrated our 9th year of this amazing community, while touching upon 10k members milestone as well.

Few things we did that worked well was to collaborate with the social team as well as the leadership to put word out about not just the fact that we have reached this milestone, but also sharing your learnings from it so there is an opportunity for further conversations from there. I think it’s so key to say out loud and celebrate your community beyond just within the platform - sharing it through other platforms through such key conversations can keep bringing people back to this lovely community you have nurtured. You probably already have this nailed down, but having that collaboration and announcements synced across different teams internally and externally will help bring the buzz you really want.

Changing up all visual cues on your community hot zones can help with those re-reminders for your community members.

I can’t say this enough - but highlighting and thanking your super user or those initial advocates who uplifted your community would be a great way to give back. Maybe a short video feature with each of them sharing their peak moment on the community or a quick q&a of how they discovered the community? Even better, do a rapid fire with them to go beyond the formal route 😃.

I’ve also seen communities do these week long successful easter egg hunt angle games. The theme can obviously vary basis the community and time of the year haha. But this would be a great one to keep your members hooked and also give them a reward (how about a 1 year anniversary swag bag) at the end for their participation, so it feels more wholesome. 

I also upvote syncing your email campaigns to support/drive this conversation more and keep those hooks ongoing.

I’m sure all these ideas (& more) will work/be chosen differently basis each community’s audience and engagement levels. Totally up to get on a call to openly brainstorm if you’d like.🙂

Wishing the best for the milestone and excited to hear the finale success story soon! 🔥

@revathimenon  This is gold. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’d love to hear more about the part of upvote syncing email campaigns to support the conversation. I’ve DM’d you 😉

Fantastic, @revathimenon! So many great ideas here, definitely sharing with my team!
