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I’ve looked around (but maybe I am looking in the wrong places) to find something which does into detail about federated search. I have used the API docs and have managed to post a small batch of records. This seems to have have worked (I got the 201 HTTP response). However, after 10-20 minutes I am still not able to see the content in my search results. 

I am presuming that the indexing has not been completed, but for 2 docs it seems a pretty long time. There appears to be nowhere where this information can be found. Every time I search on here for “Federated Search” I end up seeing people talking about it in such a high level that it is not of great use to me when trying to identify why I may not be able to find this content. 

Can someone point me in the right direction of some docs that go into detail here or possibly give me an idea as to why I am not seeing the data. Also, is there anywhere in the application where I can see how many documents that Insided has indexed and maybe even the progress on those?

If federated search is not available to you, I presume that the API to index content will either not be available or will not return 201? On using this API to index 2 urls pointing to blogs, I received a response of 201. I cannot find that content using the search bar in the application. But I have stumbled over a few posts suggesting that not all search functionality will return federated results. If this is the case, why? Anyway, I moved from trying this and went to the API to search. Still nothing. I am literally on my third day of playing with InSided, so I may have missed something.  

Hi @rhall 👋,

Can I ask you which API credentials you used for this?

You can see this in your control environment in Settings → Community Information. From there you’ll be able to see two separate API keys and secrets. Can you try and re-index the content using the one that does not have ‘sandbox’ in the title.

@olimarrio thanks for the response and sorry for not updating this sooner. It turned out that federated search hadn’t been “switched on” for us. When this was done, I started to see the results.
