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Hi, I’m currently working with your API to try and replicate a lot of the metrics on your dashboards and having a problem so far, you have the ‘Marked Answers’ for the selected period, however I don’t see anything in the API which would allow me to calculate this, is this correct? So far, what I noticed is I get a new entry in your getQuestionList endpoint populating answer but that is it, I can’t see who accepts this or when. Let me know if I am missing something. If this is it and no plans to add it in the near future I can just go ahead and export it to load the historical values as for current values I just assume if this is populated then it was done on the day previous to the daily ingest we run, not an exact timestamp but is exact in the date, at least! 


Hey @ZapierSteph,

We do have a webhook for when a best answer is marked, which includes the user id of the user who marked the answer (see here on subscribing to webhooks).

The eventName is question.Answered

"questionId": "129",
"previousAnswerId": "",
"previousAnswerAuthorId": "",
"markedAsAnswerBy": "2008",
"replyId": "22",
"replyAuthorId": "2002"

Let us know if this helps you achieve what you’re after!

Thanks so much @daniel.boon! This answered our question. 

@daniel.boon sorry to bother again but struggling here a bit to get subscribed.

I’ve done the post to the endpoint and left the Oauth2 to be passed as header as I’d do for the other endpoints. But this just gives me a 401.

I’ve noticed that the this is supposed to be this way:

What is username and secret? Thought it would be the same… but if it is then why do I get a 401?

If I use the same creds for a Get on this works perfectly fine.


Thank you!

Sorted! No need to reply to previous thread!

I guess sometimes just writing out the problem helps @catiasilvestre :grin: ?

Curious to know how you solved it, in case any other customers experience a similar issue in the future. The username/secret are intended for use if the callback URL requires authentication.

Just forgot to change my scope to write, so my token had no perms :nerd::kissing_smiling_eyes:


Gotcha, thanks a lot! :hugging:

