Private messages (spam)

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Nice! I’ve upvoted that idea too.

Which reminds me actually. Could the beta also be enabled for the Boost Forum please? Tim also manages that one and I’m pretty confident he’d be happy to have it available on both sides.

And I guess… Why not enable it here too? I guess I can technically request it for inSpired? XD

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Great! @timcavey & @Blastoise186 I requested to our engineers to add both instances to the beta program. I will let you know once the report PM feature is enabled. 


Yay! Thanks Christina! :)

Hopefully I won’t ever need this feature, but it’ll definitely be a nice to have as a precaution. If I do manage to smash it to pieces, you’ll definitely be the first to know… After Tom Shaddock anyway… XD

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@timcavey @Blastoise186 The ‘report PM’ feature is now enabled on both Ovo communities. 


Aaaaannndd I already broke it within 20 seconds! XD

You know, I probably shouldn’t be able to report Tim’s messages to himself as the Community Manager! Shouldn’t Mod+ get a free pass from this?

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@Blastoise186 Hahaha you definitely did not break it! :grin:

It is possible to report a message by a moderator or higher roles, as what this does is to email the community team (same set of emails configured by the team for flagging content) and the ones who received that PM report can decide what action they want to take: give a warning to the sender via a PM or directly ban that user. Although a very edgy case, it can be a valid one where a moderator behaved inappropriately and the user wants to report it. 


Aww :(

You weren’t supposed to say that! I thought I’d beaten my personal best! XD

I’ll get you next time…

Anyway, other than that, feature works great so far. I hope Tim doesn’t mind getting his first ever Flag on his own forum. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Cristina, can you please enable this feature for our community too? :pray_tone2:  
