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Is there a way to enable rank icons in the Ideas area? We have a custom role and rank icon for employees which has been very handy in the forum to indicate when an answer is coming from staff. But the rank icons do not show in the Ideas area. This makes it difficult to differentiate between a comment left by a customer and one left by staff.

Hi @copperml ,

I've had a look and it doesn't seem as if this is a feature right now in the Ideation module. I'm currently on my phone so can't check if this exists as as an Idea, but I'll take a look as soon as I can. 

Thank you @Blastoise186 ! Please let me know if I need to post this in Ideas.

If you could make this into an idea, that would be great. There's no transfer tool yet and I didn't find any relevant suggestions when I looked through the list. 

This is proving to be very confusing for our members as well.  @copperml  did you figure out a solution?  
@Blastoise186 is there a fix that can be implemented ? 


@Dorothyt the closest we could get to a solution was to edit our staff’s usernames. So I am “Michelle from Copper” and we have “Kevin from Copper” etc. We have SSO set up so I can edit the user names without causing login issues.

I’m gonna link the Idea for anyone else who stumbles on this thread.


Yeah, that’s about the best workaround there is right now I’m afraid. I think there are plans that inSided has to fully resolve it in the future, but it’s still in the pipeline based on what I last heard.
