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We have users that have been in our community for 5-10+ years. I’d like to do something to recognize them beyond points, badges, ranks, etc. 

Would love to hear what others have done for long-time user recognition.

@danielle.leroux how much budget do you have? 🤣 But seriously, if you have any high flying members it really does show them (and others) how much you appreciate them by doing things that are public (ie mentioning them or what they are doing/getting publicly) and giving them something to show off about.

Gifts are great, but can you invite them to a sales kick off to speak? Can you fly them to an event that they may be interested in? At the very least, can you interview them and publish their story (connected to your services/application) on LinkedIn, your main website, etc. If their impact on your community can be shouted about, they can use that to show off and build their personal brand. That can be invaluable to a lot people.

Also, there are many people who are not your stereotypical extrovert that the tech world seems to demand you be in order to progress. They don’t blow their own trumpets at every opportunity. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t want publicity. To them, having someone or some known entity blowing the trumpet for them is the greatest gift you could give them.

However you choose to do it, I think it is important that you give them something/do something for them that makes them proud. Recognition within the Community is great. But that is a limited audience. Recognise them publicly and give them something to add to their résumés.

This is interesting topic and I will follow this.

I dont have anything to give here but I can recommend that send personal email and congratulate them. Say something why you like him/her, let they feel they are special.

Send email, not PM. Email feels more personal and official as well.

Thanks @revote! I was thinking a personal email, card, and/or company swag. 

Dont just send swag, ask would they like to get it and then send it.

There is difference to receive something automatically than choosing to get something. If you send something, maybe something they dont appreciate, they might think “Am I not more worthy than this?!?” and your nice idea may backfire.

“I have some cool swags here and if you like I can send them for you as well...”.

@danielle.leroux I sent something about 30 mins ago, but it looks like it will be considered spam until Monday. Oh well. But essentially I was saying that I really do think it is a great idea to help your top users build their personal brand. Give them an opportunity to have you showing off about them for them. I go into more detail in my original post, I guess you’ll see on Monday…..

Good point, thanks @revote!

I like that idea @rhall! Look forward to seeing your original post.

We have an old community and some of our members have been members over 10 years 😍

A few things we’ve done:

  • We do not generally give customer service via private messages, but we do help these trusted members - it’s a small thing and they rarely need anything, but this is a gesture.
  • Sometimes we send out gifts - but as @revote mentioned, we first ask them if they want gifts and send only if they wish to receive them 😊

Great ideas, public recognition is definitely on my list! Thank you @rhall

It’s so true! Small gestures go a long way @Suvi Lehtovaara.

I got email, that @rhall have posted, but I cant see it here?

@revote when a post is blocked and then unblocked it appears in the order in which it was originally sent. It is the first comment :-)

@revote when a post is blocked and then unblocked it appears in the order in which it was originally sent. It is the first comment :-)

Gotcha 😃

I am not trying to deny your awesome tips, definitely no, but I would like to add that many of them sounds like super user program 😃  

All long term users are not super users, and all of super users are not long term users. 

You have to keep in mind both groups.


@revote indeed. But to be honest, I don’t think simply having registered a long time ago deserves being rewarded. So I took it as meaning long time, regular users. But I may have misunderstood I guess.

@revote actually, with this in mind I am actually putting together some code to produce some user stats to be shown to staff in a custom page. These stats will show things like posts/page views per day and other bits and pieces like that. This sort of thing would help identify long term regular users. 

@revote indeed. But to be honest, I don’t think simply having registered a long time ago deserves being rewarded. So I took it as meaning long time, regular users. But I may have misunderstood I guess.

I think best aproach would be that long term users who participates sometimes are one group and users who participates more they are in their own group and they should be membered more than the first ones. And then there are the superusers.

Something like this.

@revote actually, with this in mind I am actually putting together some code to produce some user stats to be shown to staff in a custom page. These stats will show things like posts/page views per day and other bits and pieces like that. This sort of thing would help identify long term regular users. 

Please share this with us 😃

@revote - When I have it working I will probably put a tutorial together. It essentially involves using AWS Lambda to query the BI Connector data, dumping daily stats in JSON into an S3 bucket and then creating an API to bring the JSON into the custom page. Then producing a user interface to show that data. 

I’m currently working on the Lambda part. It’s looking like it will be possible, but I’ve not got it working end to end yet.

^I dont understand at all 😃 I am looking forward anyways! 
