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Increased engagement to keep users in

While we are working on some tools and features to bring users back to the community, we are also exploring ways to keep users in by modernizing the end-user experience. Our goal is to increase the session length, decrease the time between interactions and allow for more engagement to take place within the same timeframe. 

We have identified some initiatives that we think could drive engagement with more real-time interactions and effortless navigation to find content on the platform. 

We’d love to hear from you

What do you think could be the biggest improvement we could make in making the community experience more modern and engaging, and what would this improvement ideally result in? Let us know in the thread below!

Deep-dive into specific topics

Apart from diverging in a threaded brainstorm below, we’d also like to talk to you 1:1 to dive a bit deeper into some more specific topics:


In-app notifications: notifications for updates on previously engaged content


👉 Click here to sign-up for a 30-min call


Real-time 1:1 and group chat: ability to chat with individual members or in groups


👉 Click here to sign-up for a 30-min call


Social-media like feed for end-users: social-media like community feed with easy category navigation, inline replies, threaded comments and real-time updates


👉 Click here to sign-up for a 30-min call


We look forward to hearing from you in the thread or talking to you face-to-face!

I’ll sign up for the timeslots, but my initial two cents is that in-app notifications is probably my #1 recommended feature to improve the experience for users (and help community managers by driving engagement via non-email options). 

I’ll sign-up for some sessions. a few initial thoughts:

On notifications
To bring users back to the platform, they need to be aware that something has happened or changed. Given the platform is browser-based, I’m surprised to not see something that would notify in-browser. Then folks could at least pin the community and see some indicator. Notifications are a good start, but if you’re not on or visiting the community they will impact little. I’d rather see some investment here in things like a Slack and/or Teams add-on to notify users in their workspace that there has been community activity, support for things like @ mentions of groups to re-engage and notify wider audiences. 


This is great to see. Hopefully it isn’t a bolt on but rather a more dynamic change to the experience overall and more conversational. 


This could be interesting, but definitely lower on my list. 

For me, I definitely want to see all three of these!

In-app notifications: notifications for updates on previously engaged content

This is a HOT request on the OVO Forum. I get hundreds of emails a week from the forum and while I’m OK with that, not everyone else is. And it would be much smoother for me to jump around the place wherever I’m needed.

Real-time 1:1 and group chat: ability to chat with individual members or in groups

I really like this. Personally I feel the best use case is for smaller groups like Super Users or special cases rather than being a free-for-all to prevent spammer abuse. But perhaps Super Users and higher could also invite other users into a 1:1 Chat or Group Chat (with the ability for Mod+ to monitor all chats) for those cases where it’s a bit easier to do things in real time than wait for them to write entire posts out. But I’d still like to see the ability to convert these to threads later if there’s some really cool stuff in them.

Social-media like feed for end-users: social-media like community feed with easy category navigation, inline replies, threaded comments and real-time updates

I’m not so bothered about this one. I constantly use the Recently Active Feed anyway so this wouldn’t do much for me. But still a nice to have!

Exciting to see this is an area being researched! I wanted to share a big +1 to everything @Scott Baldwin said above re: notifications, that’s the biggest one for me. Similar to the feedback captured here: 


I’ve been kinda thinking recently - and especially after my session this week! This research seems like it could definitely benefit from feedback directly from more end users like myself. It’s very possible that some of the other volunteers on the OVO Forum might be up for contributing.

Would it be OK to invite some of them to take part too?

@Sudhanshu are we still looking for feedback on these topics?
