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Hi, I have found some helpful resources on how to set up Salesforce integration with Digital Hub. 

However, our Business Operation team is looking for detailed documentation for this integration. Specifically, about what information is being pulled from Salesforce (objects, fields, etc.).

Has anyone found the documentation for this either on Gainsight or Salesforce? I have not been able to find this. 

Hi @Deja ?,

The field and object that are being pulled from Salesforce, necessary for the importation of Salesforce account data into the community, is from the Account object, with the field that signifies whether this Account is an active customer or not. You can read more about this here:

Community members are then matched to the account based on a matching email address with the Contact object.

Please do let me know what details your Business Operation team are looking for if this information is not sufficient for them. 
