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Sidebar visibility/permissions

  • 6 April 2022
  • 3 replies


Is it possible to hide sidebar content (e.g. leaderboard and badges) from non-logged in users (guest)? I couldn’t find any “Permissions” option for these. 

I’d want that the sidebar content is visible only for logged-in users.




Hi @Alexandra Prinz ?,

There aren’t permissions for the visibility of these widgets. However, it is possible using the inSidedDataObject:



For instance if you applied some styling to the leaderboard widget so that it doesn’t display by default, you could add some code in Control → Customization → Third-Party Scripts such as:

if (inSidedData.user.role != ''roles.guest'') {
// Make the widget visible

This would make the widget visible only if the primary role of a user is not a guest.

If you need any help with this please let know and we’ll be happy to help.



Thanks @olimarrio 

I used a modified approach to hide a second leaderboard I created for only employees to see. The end-user and employee leaderboards are side-by-side and have exactly the same class selectors. There may be a better way to do this by looking at the leaderboard name and then hiding the div above it, but I went with the approach of hiding the 4th child in the right sidebar. In my particular case, the 4th child is my employee leaderboard. Anyone else using this will have to modify the div:nth-child(4) to hide the correct widget in that stack. For example,  div:nth-child(1), div:nth-child(2), div:nth-child(3), etc…. 


//load the InSidedData.user.role data into a variable
myRoles = window.inSidedData.user.role;

//search for substring 'Employee' - returns true or false
EMPresult = myRoles.includes("Employee");

//if it is not an employee, hide the employee results
if (EMPresult == false){
$("div.widget-container--container-2-1-column_2 div:nth-child(4)").hide();


Thanks for contributing to the wider knowledge of the community @davetee .


