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Hey All,

Looking for some help if possible. I am successfully able to subscribe to event using postman to my newly created slackbot. The problem is posting a message in slack. Has anyone ever been successful using this path? If so could you please share insights?

I do a ton of this via Zapier, but haven’t used anything else. 

If you have that in your toolkit, I recommend that approach. It makes the posting via Slack simple and allows intermediate steps if needed. 

Your trigger in that case is “Webhooks by Zapier” and you subscribe the Zap to the webhook. 

I appreciate this - I am wondering if I can get input before I go down the purchasing path. Do you find your zapier expenses worth it?

@ahamburg9 100,000% worth it. 

I’m a team of one and I have 100+ Zapier automations setup to automate moderation, extend functionality, customize gamification, and do A LOT of bringing community activity into slack.

Bringing things into slack is for my own use cases (a push of info/activity, rather than a pull), but also for adoption and support by my colleagues. If I can bring filtered views of questions (based on tags, keywords, etc) into existing channels and my colleagues’ default work “operating system” (slack), the barrier to adoption is much lower for them to monitor questions related to their area of work, click a link, and reply. 

My automations average 2,000 weekly tasks which is a fraction of what our company’s plan is allotted. And my business systems team tells me the price is incredibly reasonable. 

Finally, I’m not technically trained, just a “super user” type business user. And I was quickly able to upskill on Zapier and the Gainsight CC API. 

But the real ROI is that it shifts the dynamic from hoping/waiting for Gainsight to deliver a feature you might want. Most of the time, I can make my ideas become reality with Zapier + the CC API.

(And one more anecdote. I recently went on parental leave and had moderation so automated that my “keep the lights on coverage” was just 5-15 minutes of effort per day. And, now that i’m back, I’m able to build new community features and contribute in other areas, rather than just moderating all the time.)
