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Hi all! 


My team and I are looking to encourage users to ‘subscribe’ to topics more and so increase our peer-to-peer learning as more users will be notified when certain questions are asked. We’re aware that we can customize the button, but does anyone have any recommendations or experience with what design looks best/catches the eye or any ideas on what not to do? 


Would love any and all insight friends! 


Happy holidays, 


+1 on this question. 

Also, has anyone experimented with similar alternatives for people to subscribe to a category? We get a lot of engagement by feeding posts into an internal slack channel, but that’s not a workable option for our external users. 

Has anyone found creative ways to let users subscribe to a topic feed in a way outside of email? 

I don’t think I have come across communities that have highlighted the subscription button in any special way (beyond styling), but I surely will keep an eye open because I think this is an interesting idea. I personally am also not sure what can be done beyond making the button jump into the eye (I’d recommend a rather alarming color that is different from the rest of the page / main brand color). Maybe it would make sense to add a sidebar widget with a button that has similar functionality, or a pop up that is displayed after x amount of seconds on a topic page.

@DannyPancratz Sending new category / community activity to other channels is a bit tricky, I think it is because there is not much of a standard (e.g. Slack has good usage numbers, but beyond that I don’t see many other options). We do have an RSS feed and I know that some people make use of it, but it feels a bit outdated and probably is not that popular any more.

Do you have specific use cases / categories in mind? I know we want to help you next year to e.g. increase numbers of subscriptions to product update content, but there will be more improvements around notifications / subscriptions in 2022. Also because of this I am happy to get more understanding of the underlying goals / use cases that you have here.

Thanks, @Julian. 

Mostly I’m wondering just based off an idea: We see good engagement with internal staff by “bringing community posts to them” with a Slack integration. How might we offer something similar to external users who don’t love email subscriptions? 

  • Based on the shift towards Slack/Teams etc in work comms and collaboration
  • Knowing that developer personas often prefer to work in Slack

General concept would be:

  • Open Slack or Teams setup
  • Community article that says: Want to stay up-to-date on Community without email? And then provides instructions for how they might setup an RSS feed type integration for their own personal/team use. 

Not looking for a particular Insided platform capability, but moreso wondering if there’s a secure solution in that vein that helps bring community into the existing non-email workstreams of the users. 

While outdated, maybe there’s something around RSS that could work. Edit: A quick google search found this article as a starting point. I think I can do this via Slack (and find something similar for Teams). 
