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Subscribe button on custom pages

  • 24 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Is there any possibility of adding a subscribe button (of a category) on to a custom page that has the content on a dynamic content widget?


Trying to reduce click as i want users to see my custom page and have the ability to subscribe to see new content without the need to visit the underlining content page.


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

4 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

I don’t have a solution here, but commenting to join the thread and say I would also find this super valuable!

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Is there any possibility of adding a subscribe button (of a category) on to a custom page that has the content on a dynamic content widget?

I think your DCW displays content from several categories? If yes then I think I can see your point. Not all of the categories?

But, how these notifications should work? It would point to the content, not to the custom page?

My opinion, the best solution would be the option to select what categories user wants to subscribe, at one place. Example:

List of categories and every category has checkbox next to, if user wants to subscribe it.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @alan.edwards - I’ve been doing a bit of research on this one.  It is technically possible to recreate a ‘subscribe’ button (for a community category) on a custom page but it’s not that straightforward.  If you have some development skills or a friendly developer that can help, it can be done.  While I’m not able to explain all the details (it’s too technical for me), I can give you a couple of small pointers:

  • The link for subscribing to a category looks like this: /subscribers/subforum/{categoryId}
  • You’d need to include the CSRF token in the post request (you can find that as a hidden field on the category page)


Thank you, i will have a play and let you know how i get on.
