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Now that we can choose our own moderation labels, I'm curious to see what labelling strategies you all use! Perhaps Insided have suggestions?

We're in an experimental phase ourselves ;)

Hi Jurgen!

This is a great feature indeed, I think the power of this feature is a bit underestimated...

I never really used them myself in the past. Now see the advantages and probably would have been able to work more efficiently. 😕 So maybe my thoughts on this will help someone not to make the same mistake. :D

At the moment we are using this feature to manage who on our side will pick up certain technical questions / suggestions, as there are several colleagues who have a lot of expertise on these items. However our case with the inSpired community of course has a different context than many other communities.

I personally see a lot of added value in the following context: If you are working together with other Moderators on the same community, you can easily miss out on updates on topics which you want to keep track of: Often another Moderator "clears" the topic before you. Even if you have subscribed to that topic, the notification email can be missed easily when your community is really busy... In this situation, it can be very handy to "park" topics so that you can find them back more easily and will not forget to visit a topic again.

I would therefore suggest (especially to very busy communities) to create a set of different labels, which enable you to categorize the reason why you want to update a topic at a later point, e.g.:

  • waiting for customer update

  • waiting for other department

  • waiting for order / repair to be processed

Another way of doing it is to "store" topics for later: As I was working on a quite busy community, I sometimes would leave tabs open when I would not have the time to draft an adequate/long reply, so that I can pick it up later. The problem is that, at a certain amount of open tabs (or when your browser crashes), you can easily forget that you needed to update this topic. A label "parked for response" will solve that easily.

What are your thoughts, how are you using it at the moment?



Sorry I didn’t get back to you yet. I think these are great suggestions!

We use similar labels (using emoji instead of text), plus a lightbulb for labelling topics that feature a good idea. This is useful because we don’t have an Ideation board (yet).

We also have ’star rating’ labels. As a final part of the moderation process, we rate every topic on a scale of 1-3 for perceived usefulness to other customers (to be). This enables us 1) to filter the most valuable topics that deserve the most attention when it comes to SEO and keeping information up to date and 2) to filter topics that are duds, most of the times because they’re one for one.

I can tell you, it’s incredibly satisfying to see a list of three star rating topics 😃 Besides, I think star rating-labels can be a powerful tool for any customer, since it's good to have a selection of topics that you want to embed and spread.


Feeling like an archeologist - digging up this old topic as I think this is super interesting discussion and I’d like to bring it back to life! (Haven’t seen any other topic about this, please correct me if I’m wrong)

Here’s my contribution:

We just set up a Moderation Label that says “Team Note added”.

Because when you add a team note to a topic in the backend, afterwards there is no way to know which topics actually do have a Team Note (AFAIK), so it’s hard to keep track.
Adding a Team Note + activating the respective Label will make it much easier to find.




What are your use cases for Moderation Labels?

inSpired Community - show us what you got 🤩

One more use case I just though of:
Having a Moderation Label that says “top topic” or “super interesting” so we can re-post it in our Monthly newsletter or during our yearly review

Thanks, excellent tips here. 

I wish we could add several labels, instead of just one.

This was super helpful. Our community has only had one full time moderator. But now our community is growing our team is expanding. So looking for moderation tips and tricks for multiple moderators. 


I think the biggest two issues are

  1. What @revote said - adding several labels. 
  2. Manually having to remove/update the labels afterwards. Wish there was rules that could remove the label. 


@Jurgen - really like your idea with icons. But how are you getting those to work/show with the moderation labels?
