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With the Zendesk Knowledge Base integration we’ve noticed that articles published internally end up being indexed in the community search even though they should not be accessible publicly.

Is there a way to setup the integration to avoid those being indexed and only published content being accessible?

Hi Scott,

Yes, you are able to determine which content you would like indexed by our Federated Search integration. To do this head to Control > Integrations > Zendesk > and expand the Federated Search card to find Filter by Category.

From there, you can enter the category IDs of the categories that you want to show in federated search, separated by a comma (e.g. 123564, 123721) – you can find the category ID in the URL, it’s the number directly after /categories/

Please note: Advanced filters can only be configure when Federated search is Disabled.

For additional information, see below:

Hope this helps!

@adrienne thanks -- in this case it was published to an existing category but published internally vs. externally. Ideally we’d have a way to hide the internally accessible content even if in a category we make publicly available.

Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification! Let me investigate a bit further here.

@adrienne any updates you can provide on this?

Thanks for the nudge, Scott. At present, it seems the answer is no. There doesn’t seem to be an 'automated' way to do this via Zendesk’s articles/search API, so I don’t believe there’s any way to exclude the content on our side. I have, however shared this feedback with the engineers, so they are aware of this limitation. 
