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Gainsight CE FAQ Series - How do I Customize my Homepage?

  • March 15, 2024
  • 2 replies

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 39 replies

Are you ready to create a captivating and branded homepage for your academy? In this post, we'll walk you through the steps to customize your academy homepage within Gainsight CE (F.K.A. Northpass).


🛑 Before you continue, make sure you enable Website and Catalog for this. Why turn this feature on? Read more here: Gainsight CE FAQ Series - Add-Ons: How Do I Create a Course Catalog for Learners? 🛑

When Website and Catalog is turned off, the homepage acts as both a homepage and a dashboard. If you prefer to split these functions, then continue reading!

Reminder: The dashboard allows learners to track their enrolled courses, learning paths, and events.

Once you've enabled the "Website and Catalog" add-on, you'll notice a brand new homepage experience with a customizable welcome message, homepage banner artwork, and the ability to feature courses.


All of the following elements can be found in the left side navigation panel under Design > Pages > Homepage then click 🖋 Edit  (see image below):


What elements can you edit on your CE homepage?

Welcome Message: Create a unique and welcoming message for your learners to see when they first visit your homepage via a title, headline, and subheadline. 

If you navigate to Design > Pages > All Courses, you’ll be able to create a title, headline, and subheadline for your school’s course Catalog page too!

Banner Artwork: Upload captivating banner artwork that complements your branding and captures the essence of your academy. The image should be at least 1200px wide and at least 300px tall.👇

Featured Courses: Select one to three courses to showcase prominently on your homepage, enticing learners with a place to begin.👇 To ensure your courses populate in the drop down in the back end settings, make sure these courses have been added to the catalog. 



🧠 Pro tip: For additional homepage and platform customization, Gainsight CE is built on Liquid templates; learn about utilizing them here: Getting Started with Custom Templates


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Alistair FIeld
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 246 replies
  • February 3, 2025

@cdonargo  Is it possible to have more than 3 featured courses. 

thanks in advance 🙏

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 39 replies
  • February 3, 2025

@Alistair FIeld Hi! Good question. Right now only 3 can be added. If you want to add a 4th or learning path, this may have to be through the templates and coded in. If you’re able to do that, great! If not, support may be able to code this in, but you will have to go through them for changes each time. 



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