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Has anyone used Articulate 360 to prepare content for their learning management system? My team is looking into investing in Articulate but aren’t sure if it would collaborate well with the Gainsight Education/Northpass system.

Hi @cecegolay 👋🏼 This is a great question! I manage some of our largest CE customers at Gainsight and can say with confidence that many of them are quite happy with the various Articulate 360 products and using them in CE/Northpass. 

In particular, Articulate has a new feature call “micro-learning” (see here, and here) which really syncs nicely with the CE platform. This feature helps you create more modular content which can be used in multiple courses in CE. 

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions; I’m no Articulate expert, but I’ve learned a bunch from my customers.

Hi @cecegolay!  The Education Services team here at Gainsight has just published a variety of microlearning courses on Northpass Academy.  We use Articulate Rise to create our microlearning. The process to upload courses to CE is INCREDIBLY easy.  The first step it to publish your SCORM file from Articulate.  Next, in CE you’ll open the Media Library and upload your ZIP file. Once the file is uploaded, you can then create a course using the options in the Media Library.  It’s very quick and easy!

Here’s a link for more information on our newly published courses that you may find helpful: 


@jgasparro @NormRasmussen Thank you both for your thoughts and perspectives!
