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Hi GS community,

we use NXT and have just downloaded from the Sightline Vault the tool called Verified Outcomes.

The guide says: 

“The Outcome Category dropdown can be replaced with an Outcome Metric dropdown to provide a more detailed list of specific, measurable objectives; in this case, we recommend setting up a dependency so that the full Outcome Metric dropdown list is only available if Outcome Type = Quantitative was first selected.

Recommended: If using an Outcome Metric dropdown, it is recommended to also add a Metric Value numeric field so that the values of the Outcome Metric can be tracked over time”

So my idea is to add a new field called “Metric Value” (not sure if I’ll make it dependent on another, as this goes too far from my knowledge), but even if I want to keep things simple, I didn’t find a way or a document to add a new field here 


Can anyone please help me to implement this?




Here’s info on how you can use dependent custom fields in NXT and Timeline, @Ester.Memoli

Hi Dan,

thanks! I looked in the KB but could not find anything, thanks for linking the right article :)


I’ll give it a look

