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Within our org, we have some outreaches which we send multiple times per day.

Currently programs can be set to intake new contacts once per day. This means, if we need to start a new batch of contacts in a program 3 times a day, we would need to clone the program and have 3 variants of it scheduled to send at a different time each day.

It would be great if Programs could have an advanced scheduling option, similar to rules, where I could select specific times and/or enter a CRON script to control then to start the next batch of contacts.

I agree! this would be helpful. Either advanced scheduling or having similar scheduling capabilities as outreaches.

Hi @tyler_tew, Thank you for the bringing this feedback to us. I completely get the use case you are looking for and understand the need to be able to do so.

While there isn't a cron schedule available as of now which we have made a note of already. I urge you to explore the new functionality shipped with the latest release of Journey Orchestrator called `Post-Publish Source Editability` which allows you to add multiple sources; even to an exisiting active program which different schedules if intended and gives you more control to bring contacts/participants based on your need.

As far as I understand if your requirement is to bring contacts in batches based on certain criteria at regular intervals of time, you can split those criterias into few different sources in your program and schedule them at an interval suiting your needs eventually bringing participants to the same program over a period of time from all the source applying the unique criteria across sources.

Hope this helps, please refere the docs for the same - Release (6.4) Docs for Journey Orchestrator Enhancements

Thank you for the suggested workaround.

I will bear that in mind, as it may prove useful for something in the future, but this solution still requires creating and maintaining extra power lists or queries, when only one should be needed for the process, which isn't ideal.

Hi Tyler, it sounds like looking for new participants once a day is not frequent enough for your needs. Have you looked into triggering new participants using the events framework? It's near real time and is event based (instead of batch) triggered.

More info here:

@dan_ahrens You should do a webinar workshop on Events Framework!! :)

This is a capability our organization greatly desires. We have the need to trigger communications multiple times a day, however, we do not want to have to build out an Event every time this need comes up.


Is this added capability on the road map yet?

Hi @maasplund If you want to add this as a feature request, please start a new Idea post!
