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Our CSM's occasionally have to go back to a timeline entry a few weeks later to make an updated. Either additional detail to a conversation that was logged or additional details on a resolution to an issue that was logged. Currently, they would have to keep in it drafts until they were 150% confident that no additions would be needed which can be difficult to predict. 
Hi Samantha,

If you are referring to Activities and Timeline..

The owner of the activity can update it any point of time, we are supporting edit / delete actions..

Do mouse over on the activity header, you will get edit and delete icons [options will be visible only for the creator of the activity]
It would be great if other team members could edit activities on the timeline if they are not the creator. We have CSMs that share accounts and they want to be able to edit eachothers notes
Hi Berin,

Thanks for the post. For your use-case, will the permission to edit activities be by account (few CSMs have access to edit activities in an account) or by role (e.g. admin can edit all post)


Yes it would be by account - so each CSM can edit certain account notes. The latter could be useful for our Team Leads and Director's to be able to edit it all but the former is more important or us. Thanks!
Can the Admin also edit the activity itself? Once a timeline activity is logged, I do not have the ability to change the activity, only the dialogue underneath? And if so, will this function ever be changed to allowing the user this ability? Thanks!

Hi Roxanne,

Just for our understanding, if you have to choose one - would you like to have the permissions to edit all activities across all accounts or would you want the CSM of each account to have permission to edit all activities of their account?
I'd like the ability to have any CSM edit the timeline post of any account. The use case being, if multiple CSMs were on a meeting they could add their notes individually. Additionally, if someone is assigned a task and they need to post an update or what they found out, they can do that if they can edit.
I'd like, as an Admin, to be able to edit the activities across all Accounts.

I just added a checkbox field to our Activities ("Success Story"), and I'd like to be able to go back and check it off for those existing Activities that contain a customer success story.
We also usually have a CSM and a CSE (their technical counterparts) assigned to the same account and it's really quite a blocker that someone else other than the creator can't edit the activities.
Is there an update on this?
Hi Jen, 

This will be available post May. I will update the ETA once I have more clarity.


HI Nitisha, any update?
I just came across this thread - and all of this sounds awesome and amazing! And would solve a few heads that as an ADMIN I have. :) 
Same! Any update on ability to have others edit a timeline item?
Agreed this would be good functionality.  Any updates on this?
