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We are working on some configuration for our current CSM Pool Team Model. 


For anyone that has a Pool CSM Model, did you tell your customers that they have a CSM Team that manages them?  Or do you give them the impression they have a point of contact?


Thanks in advanced!



At my previous company, they created a group on our (Salesforce Community) customer portal, invited customers within the segment that were targeted for the pooled model to join that group and had the Pooled CSMs work with customers within that group. They had a schedule where each CSM would proactively share useful tips and tricks, etc and the contacts could reach out via the Group and the CSMs would rotate shifts monitoring the queue to provide assistance and guidance.  


Thanks @darkknight! so the customers knew they had a team supporting them and not just one exclusive CSM, right? 

@andorfuhrer basically yes they did.
