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I’m thinking about adding an exception criteria to my health score. Here’s what I’m thinking:

  • We use rules engine to create a calculated health score
  • We have a manual measure called “CSM Sentiment” 
  • If the CSM Sentiment is not null, then overall health = csm sentiment. If CSM sentiment is null, then overall health = calculated health score

I’m essentially giving the CSM the ability to override the calulcated score. If I set up the validation critiera, when is the overall score updated? Does the system evaluate the exception in real-time, changing the overall score OR does the system wait until the next rules engine job?

@jpmehlhaff - Nice thinking. I implemented something quite similar a few years back, giving the CSM’s an exception that overrides our more analytics-based scoring.

In my experience, the Overall Score changes in real-time anytime the exception criteria is met (or unmet, as the case may be). I recall this being a hit with my CS team because their inputs replicated in real-time to C360, Reports/Dashboards, etc and there was no “wait to see that update reflected tomorrow” behavior.

@matthew_lind Thank you for the response, and it sounds like the override happens in real-time, which is awesome!

@jpmehlhaff Exception calculation does indeed happen real-time - just wanted to confirm this to you.




@shantan_reddy and @matthew_lind I just saw this, and we are trying to implement the same concept as above, but we are only having it update the overall score if the CSM Sentiment = Red, otherwise it is calculated in with the measured score.  Do you find that your CSM’s need it to completely override the calculated score for other sentiments as well?  If the sentiment score is not updated or removed, will the calculated score continue to be essentially hidden in the overall score or is there a way to remove it after a period of time? 

@cmello7339 Good questions.

There are some varying schools of thought. Some allow the CSM Sentiment to dictate the Overall Score in any scenario; Some only allow the CSM Sentiment to dictate if it’s lower than the Overall Score, but not if it’s higher than the Overall Score. It’s really a business call on your side.

For my use case, we allowed CSM Sentiment to dictate the Overall Score in any scenario. I also added a Rule that allowed this only if the CSM Sentiment was less than 1 month old. Essentially, if the CSM Sentiment was going to have that much influence on the Overall Score, they also had to maintain / update it regularly. This had two positive impacts: (1) Overall Scores weren’t influenced by stale or forgotten CSM Sentiments and (2) CSMs were more likely to keep the Sentiment score current.

@matthew_lind Great points.

We did think about excluding exceptions if the measures they were based on were stale, but we did not implement it, since exception criteria are tricky, and also since we cold not assume this in all cases. It could lead to unnecessary fluctuations in Overall score.
