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I have customer who reported the problem using the Date field in report builder.

Let me explain the scenario using my reference data-

1) Before recent release sorting order was not in descending order as default but, now Data comes in "Descending Order" as Default, which is known to all as part of release. but, if you see the below output where once we apply the summary by month data is coming in Descending Order of Months using Date as data type.

2) But, when we export the same data in excel it is coming in different order i.e. Date field as Text/String data type and order is in Descending as default. 

So, here CSM or end user have to do manual editing to set back the actual order as in report. Is there any way to prevent this or say future plan to consider this sorting mechanism?

PS- At the end actual result must be matching with exported result of excel so, looking for solution for this.

Feel free to suggest/ask for further query.
This is causing a big pain for our CSM's. We have been exporting tables into excel in order to copy and paste the data into the PPT graph for years and the data has always been in the correct order when exported. Now, it is all jumbled and CSM's are having to spend time manually entering each line in the correct place instead of a simple copy and paste. 
Is there a way to build a report and have it display accounts by date from NEWEST to oldest?

My list of accounts keeps displaying the oldest dates first, and we really don't care about something that happened in 2014...
@Johnny, Yes, there is a way to display the date from NEWEST to oldest. 

Please add the date field as the first column,u will get the latest dates on top.Shown below.

We sort based on first field.
