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I thought I had seen a post about this, but could find anything through search so apologies if it's a duplicate.

Having to add new filters to a Query Builder task is a huge pain because you can't drag the field to where you want it. I have a program running daily that I now need to stop, duplicate, and add a new qualifier to.

The new field being 'P.' needs to be in the same clause as H or I. I have to delete J-O to get P in the right position, re-add J-O and their values, and rewrite the logic statement. This should not require this amount of rework.

Hey Kelly,

I think I have a solution for you on that one. You can actually type the order however you would like, so no need to delete and readd. See the example below and let me know if that helps!

If you're like me though, having things in the exact order you want them is easier to manage and looks cleaner! 🙂 I would also love the ability to drag the order of the filters!

In the past I've tried writing out of order and wouldn't let me, but I'll try it again.

I’ve been rewriting the order in which filters apply, but it’s messy (especially with super long filtering queries). At the very least, we should have the ability to add a filter below the filter of our choice (as is the case in data designer filters, for example). 
