Can CSMs re-send out individual NPS Surveys to their contacts?
We’re working off of Response Rates per CSM and they’re wanting to send out NPS surveys to their contacts who have not responded yet. The problem is that they’re unable to send out individual non-anonymous links on their own. Is there a solve for this?
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Hi @vinaluu97 - yes, this is possible as you can grab the ‘AO Participant Survey URL’ from the ‘Survey Participant’ object. In a past company, we had that exposed via Tableau Dashboard where we could see all of our customers who received the survey in a given month, response status and then could grab the unique link and follow up manually.
It may be possible to associate this unique URL into Email Assist….
Hi @zdsiegert,
Do you think we could use this field as a Token to include Survey link when sending to CSM a reminder about a specific contact which didn’t answer to a survey ?
I tried to build a fetch of participants including a merge with “Survey Participant” Object + a filter on “Survey Id → Name” matching with the name of the survey sent by the program but I’m not sure the “AO Participant Id → Survey URL” field (used as a source for the above mentioned token) will be updated before sending the email-reminder to CSMs.
@LucasOPA It should work, as it does when including it in CTAs… Tokenizing a URL works a bit differently in the old email builder, but deffo possible. Not sure about the new email builder, as I haven’t had to tokenize a URL yet.
@alizee the thing is that URL is not available until the survey have been sent through the program, thus when participants are synched they have this field empty and so is the associated URL when sent to the CSM in Email Reminder. My use case is the following : everytime I send a survey through a program, 2 weeks after, I would like my CSM to get the list of their contacts which didn’t take the survey and to send them a reminder with their individual link. For now, the workaround I have found is to create a CTA which triggers whenever a company has Survey Participants which didn’t answer to a Survey sent 2 weeks ago ; CTA description inform that contacts from “Company X” didn’t answer to “Survey Name Y / Survey ID Z” and then gives a link towards a report in which participant email, participant name, company name, Survey ID, Survey Name and Survey URL are given (+ an informative note which asks to check that Survey ID is matching with the one given in the CTA description)
Report buildingCTA description
@alizee the thing is that URL is not available until the survey have been sent through the program,
@LucasOPA would it be possible to consider building the CTA outwith the JO program? I understand why the link isn’t created until the participant enters the journey (at which point it’s too late to tokenize).. However, if the JO is built, then a separate Horizon Rule is created with a CTA action, it should be possible to tokenize the URL (based on the program already being published), then both can rule on the required schedule. A completely sleek solution? No. However, it may be an option to consider given the CTA rule will fetch from the Survey Participant MDA on each run. It would also eliminate the need for a separate report to reference for the survey URL.
This does seem to be a limitation of JO based on functionality, I’d say expected imo. We face a similar (but different) issue when CSM territories are reassigned; any mid-flight journeys will continue to reference the CSM data at the time the participant was added to the journey versus the CSM currently - this applies to tokenized data and also CTA creation.
@LucasOPA and @Stuart Assumed that this was a separate program and I would in fact recommend making them separate or as Stuart said, doing it with rules to generate a CTA with… maybe a playbook with an email task?
@Stuart@alizee Yep, completely agree with both of you ! That’s what I wanted to describe with my workaround but maybe it was not clear enough. Since URL field cannot be updated in the middle of the program, outside of the JO, I have created a CTA for companies with contacts who have a specific Response Status to a survey sent at a specific Sent date. Then, in the CTA description, I provide Survey ID, Survey Name, Customer Name & Survey Date + a link to a report/table based on Survey Participant Object with Contact details (including email, name, etc.) and Survey details (Sent Date, Id, Name, URL). From this table, CSM can find people to send them (manually) a reminder, which includes their individual URL.
@Stuart@alizee Yep, completely agree with both of you ! That’s what I wanted to describe with my workaround but maybe it was not clear enough. Since URL field cannot be updated in the middle of the program, outside of the JO, I have created a CTA for companies with contacts who have a specific Response Status to a survey sent at a specific Sent date. Then, in the CTA description, I provide Survey ID, Survey Name, Customer Name & Survey Date + a link to a report/table based on Survey Participant Object with Contact details (including email, name, etc.) and Survey details (Sent Date, Id, Name, URL). From this table, CSM can find people to send them (manually) a reminder, which includes their individual URL.
Would it be possible to add a playbook to the CTA with an email task, and use a tokenized email template the CSMs can send via email assist in cockpit?
Hi. We had the same problem where some times they were not getting the survey or it timed out. I created a date field on the Person record that the CSM can update with tomorrow’s date. I then copied the Program as a Manual survey program and changed my criteria that it would send if the Run Date is equal to the Manual Send date. This would let us control who to send to and but still have a linked survey.
I was surprised that we had to it this way but it is working for us. We had been asking for a manual survey option and this was a quick way to do it. I also CC our CSM department mailbox so we could get it there. Long term might be overkill but it helped make sure they were sending. We kept getting clients tell us they did not get the survey. This allowed us to go that mailbox to see what was getting send out and manually resend from the mail box if again they said they did not get the survey.
We were seeing our response number drop due to mail filtering is so it helped know they really did get sent out. :)
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