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I want to copy to a field in Gainsight the content of a field that sits in the Salesforce Account tab. This field in SF would be a string (a comment about the status of the customer, that can be updated by CSMs).

So through a rule, I would like to update the field in GS anytime the field in the Account tab is updated.

So anytime the GS comment is different from the SF comment, the SF comment should be copied to the GS comment. But that does not work. 

Can I only compare numbers in the Criteria section?
I'll leave this to the experts for a definitive answer, but one route we took for a specific field involved the mappings held within the Load To Customers action.

  1. We already had a field in SFDC for CSM (or Customer Partner, in our vocabulary).

  2. We added a field into the Customer Info object for CSM.

  3. We added a mapping in our "Load to Customers" rule to update the Customer Info value with the SFDC value daily.

Thus, you have a rule that updates a Customer Info/GS String field with a SFDC String field periodically, let's say daily. Anytime SFDC is updated, your corresponding Customer Info/GS value will be "out of date" or not the same as your SFDC value. However, the next time your Load To Customers rule runs, the SFDC value will update the Customer Info/GS value 

Additionally, you may need a CTA or some other action to run when that Customer Info/GS field is updated. Perhaps it's not enough to simply update the value, but you need Gainsight to take some additional action when corresponding fields in SFDC and Customer Info/GS are different

What we did to watch for that is to run a Create CTA rule that runs daily BEFORE the Load to Customers rule with criteria similar to this. You're instructing Gainsight to take an action any time the SFDC value differs from the Customer Info/GS value, and you input something like this into the Criteria section.

