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Gainsight is a separated instance from salesforce or they become one?

Gainsight can connect to multiple salesforce instances? or it becomes part of one specific salesforce instance?
Hi Ricardo, welcome to the Community!

Gainsight is installed as an application within your Salesforce instance. You can install Gainsight into multiple Salesforce orgs if necessary, such as Production and Sandbox orgs.

Which company are you with? I wasn't able to find any info on our side using your email address, but I want to make sure we loop in your Project Manager to help support you in the initial setup!
Hi Lila, thanks for the reply!

I ́m from Logicalis (my email is from the third-party company contracted from them) and we are in the very beggining with GainSight and, naturally, have a lot of silly newly adopted doubts.

Many of these doubts i found the answer here on community, but those i was unable to find i will create posts to clarify these questions to me and to the community too!

Again, thank you for the reply and congrats for the amazing tool!
