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Can you link zendesk account to Gainsight via the widget before tickets come in?

  • 2 November 2018
  • 2 replies

Creating this on behalf of a customer - he wanted to see if it was possible to preemptively create zendesk accounts prior to receiving tickets and link that new account to Zendesk --> here is his ask:

I was wondering if there was a way to integrate a Zendesk organization to Gainsight before a ticket comes in? See below screenshot of where I'd hope it'd be possible, which is the Zendesk organization page.

Please note that the integration is already installed between our Zendesk and Gainsight instances, and we are able to manually link organizations between the two applications after a ticket has been submitted by that client organization in Zendesk. My sole question here is can the link be made before a ticket is submitted, at the Zendesk organization level. I checked the app configuration for Gainsight on the Zendesk side and see nothing that would pertain to this. The answer may very well be "We don't support that", but I want to confirm.

The reason I'm asking is because if a ticket comes in from a newly set up customer organization, the information from Gainsight isn't readily available until we link it after the fact. Ideally, I can set up this link when I set up the Zendesk organization, and before a ticket comes in, so we have our ducks in a row from the first ticket onward. Let me know what your thoughts are here, or if there are any questions.

I checked this article, and am not sure this scenario is covered:

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11
I don't know if this squarely answers the question, but....

I utilize a two-sync configuration, in concert, to handle this on an automated basis. I have a Salesforce-Zendesk sync, and also a Gainsight-Zendesk sync.

The Salesforce-Zendesk sync handles the creation of the Zendesk Organization, along with the exchange of any fields I designate to sync from Salesforce to Zendesk. Then I also use the Gainsight-Zendesk sync to ingest ticketing information into the Gainsight MDA. Our configuration is 100% automated; I don't do any manual matching among SFDC Accounts, Zendesk Organizations and Gainsight Customers / Companies.

I'll spare the gory configuration details here, but I think this can be both automated and prepared before that first ticket arrives from your new customer.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2
Hi Dan,

We can't bulk assign Zendesk ids to SFDC ids via the widget, but we do allow this bulk mapping to be done either via CSV upload or by pointing to a SFDC object that has the mapping. Check out this article for details on these two methods.
