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Capability to scroll through sections of Customer 360 on a Customers list

  • 3 March 2020
  • 3 replies


This may sound a bit old-school but I often find myself needing to look up a common piece of information that’s not on the Customer List view. 

So, I wish there were a way, like on some CRM’s and databases I’ve used in the past, that you could go to a specific module on the 360, say the Health Score for example, and click an arrow forward and scroll through my customers’ to view all their Health Scores. Or active features, Contacts, etc.

Any advice appreciated.

3 replies

I now see basically this same thing was requested 4 years ago here:

Userlevel 2

Hello @kristenl, the idea sounds great! However, I would want to know some use cases or instances when you feel a need for this navigation option. 



Userlevel 7
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@kristenl did you get a chance to view comments posted by our team?
