Currently, on the Survey User Answer object it is not possible to get the lookup from Company > CSM (user) (where things like segment and manager exist).
The use case is reporting and dashboard development. Other reports are built on NPS Survey Response object which does have the CSM lookup. However, that object does not allow us to see ALL survey questions and answers (like the Survey User Answer object does!). So on the NPS dashboard, we can show statistical data relevant to things like segment and manager, but when you get to the report that actually as the questions and answers no data populates unless you clear the global filters.
This would be less of a problem if you could add a field to the report because you could filter in the report column for what you need, but again, the field is not available in the show me via missing lookup with CSM (User).
Would it take much to implement this lookup so that we could build survey answers into effective dashboards?