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Hello community.

I am new using Gainsight and would appreciate your guidance with some points, please:

  1. In order to distribute a program, the source will be CSV. My team needs to send the e-mail to 10.900 participants. According to this website, we can directly upload a CSV file with a limit of 10K records per CSV, and up to 5 CSVs total can be uploaded to a Program, it means we can send e-mails to 50K participants. 
  2. I split the CSV with the 10K participants in 2 (5491 and 5492 participant each one). When I scyn the CSVs, the records appear for only one of the CSVs and the other one is in blank (0 participants) but it has 400 failed participants. 

Do you why this is happening? Could you please guide me how could I upload successfully both files? 


Thanks for your support. 


Hi Melany,


When you click the sync button for the second CSV you need to choose below option in order to retain records from other CSVs.



You need to choose “No,Sync Only New Participants” option.

Hi sandeepchidiri123

Thanks for your quick response. The participants show now.

However I have another issue: the numbers don’t match with the file uploaded. I’m aware this could be due to some reasons: participants unsubscribe, bounce list, etc but I even cloned the current program twice to upload the CSVs separately but the contacts uploaded don’t match either. 

For instance:

Original program has these numbers:

  1. CSV 1 (Total= 5491 contacts)

Participants uploaded= 4861 

Failed = 955


  1. CSV 2 (Total = 5492 contacts)

Participants uploaded= 4643
Failed = 995


Process: I deleted the CSVs, added only one CSV1, mapped the fields, then sync. Clicked “yes” for the first CSV. For 2nd one, I added the CSV2, mapped the fields then syn and clicked “No,Sync Only New Participants” 


Then, the cloned program with CSV1 has these numbers:

Participants uploaded= 4861 (uploaded contact match with above Original CSV1)
Failed = 422

However there are 1052 missing contacts

Process: I added only one CSV, mapped the fields, then sync. Clicked “yes”.  


Cloned program with CSV 2:

Participants uploaded= 4807
Failed = 487

There are 1172 missing contacts

Process: I added only one CSV, mapped the fields, then sync. Clicked “yes”.  


There are missing contacts for these scenarios. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong. 

By any chance, do you have any idea why the contact numbers don’t match?


Thanks in advance!

