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Searching for customer names in the quick search is exact - it would be great if it would return variations. This is especially important for customer names with special characters.

For example, have a handful of foreign customers that use the French accent aigu ( é ) in their names, and searching for their name without the accent (since most don't have the proper keyboard to enter it) returns no results. It's frustrating for these customers because you can then only acceess their C360 page via clicking on their name from another spot in the UI. 
Hi Jackie!  Does it not work if you change it to "Customer Search Contains"? (Clicking on the magnifying glass will give you a drop down to change from "Customer Search Starts With" to "Customer Search Contains".)
Just tested - it does NOT work if I include the half of their name that has the accent, it does work if I just search on the second word of their name that doesn't have the accent. 
