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Display / Modify Multiple Renewal Dates

  • 6 January 2016
  • 2 replies

One of our Users asked if there was a way to manually override the renewal date that displayed on the CS360, or show multiple renewal dates.

We currently have it reading the next renewal Opportunity in Salesforce, however we have multiple products and services, so some Customers might have 2+ renewal Opportunities. This is causing some of our Customer to show their "Renewal Date" as the date for a minor service or sub-contract, while the the actual renewal is months in the future.

Is there a way around this, or plans to implement multi-renewal features in the future?
The renewal date that shows in the Customer 360 Summary is based on a field called Renewal Date in Gainsight's CustomerInfo object.  You can control what shows here using a "Load to Customers" rule.  So options you could consider in your use case:

1. Look at the rule that populates this Renewal Date field. Consider modifying this rule to use additional criteria to consider the next renewal date only from a subset of those open opportunities (is there an attribute that could indicate products/services that are key to track?)

2.  You can create a related section listing of Renewal opportunities so CSMs could see all of them (would not be in Summary section)

3.  We have a product called LRM (additional subscription fees apply here) that tracks this data at a product level and provide the history by product of the key values and dates.  However, next renewal date in the Summary here would still be based on the nearest in/past due renewal.
Daniel, we would need to explore this a bit further, but this may also be a great use case for Gainsight's Relationship capabilities.  Relationships was purpose built to handle your use case of different Product/Service Relationships that you have with your customers.  Each relationship can have a Relationship 360 with different CSM/AM responsibility.  We currently have the ability for create CTAs and manual Scorecards at the Relationship level and next month's release will provide for automation of the Scorecards at the Relationship level.  You can find good materials on Relationships both here on the Community and on the Gainsight Support portal
