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Attempting to research the capabilities to edit fields in SFDC through the Gainsight platform. I've found examples of editing through chatter and box, but not sure they pertain directly to this subject. Really a brainstorming exercise if anyone can help, although we thought we've seen the capabilities before in a demo! 

Some strategic examples include:

  1. Updating the Opportunity Stage from a Renewals perspective if all of their activity were driven through GS automated tasks

  2. Updating current Version of a product on an assets object (not a fully automated process due to difficulty of obtaining)

  3. Updating actual user counts on an assets object (vs. what has been purchased)

  4. Updating implementation status

Thanks for the help! I am only a GS admin & not a SFDC admin, so don't know the full capabilities for both sides of the equation.

Also... where is the admin office hours for this week 🙂
Hey Jake, 

We have this setup. Under administration>calls to action, there is the ability to add linked objects to a CTA as well as define the layout. We have linked objects for cases/opportunities that allows for us to edit certain fields right from the CTA-linked object (which syncs to SFDC). I believe the user only needs update privileges in SFDC for this to work...
Nice point from Denim.

The first thing that came to mind for me was the "Account Attributes" pane in the C360, which allows you to edit Account fields.

Also, the C360 allows you to add related lists as panes, which don't allow you edit a field directly, but do give you a direct link to edit the record in Salesforce:

^^^ I think this is more in line with what I was thinking. There are certain fields I need to dig into to understand their properties & relationship between SFDC & GS. 

For example we have a CS Engagement Status field that lives on both the Attributes page and Account object. When updated on either hosting app, it will update the other automatically. 
Hi All,

Few of the Documents that i could find,

Let me know if any further information is required.



We run several plays whereby we update SFDC records/fields using the Gainsight Rules Engine. I'll spare you the specifics, but you can use the "Load to SFDC Object" Action Type to update fields within specified records.

It does require some setup, and you do need SFDC permissions sufficient the update those records and fields you specify. Here's my "go to" documentation for building this:
