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Good Morning-

This week I'm working on rolling out EMail to Timeline and had an issue arise:

We have two distinct products, with separate POCs, CSMs, etc. How do we delineate which contact belngs to which relationship ?


Contacts "A", "B", "C" work with CSM 1 on "Product 1" at Company XYZ


Contacts "D", "E", "F" work with CSM 2 on "Product 2" at Company XYZ

In the MDA Object "Relationship Person", how do I associate Contacts "A", "B", "C" with "Product 1" and Contacts "D", "E", "F" with "Product 2"?




In 'Relationship Person' object we store Relationship ID and Relationship type ID where we can differentiate which person belongs to which relationship of type product 1 or product 2

Can you expand upon this?


I use the Rules Engine to update our Relationship Person MDA object once a day, ingesting any new/updated contact information from Salesforce to Gainsight. How would Gainsight differentiate "Contact A" from "Contact B"?

Hi Jyothi-

Please see above.



I would like to sync our NPS data from SFDC --> Gainsight before I send out our next NPS via Journey Orchestrator. I'd like to walk through how to do that one time sync and then set it so that the sync is always Gainsight --> SFDC moving forward.




Each Contact is associated to a Relationship and we can also associate single contact to multiple relationships, we will be having complete information in Relationship Person object.


There are two relationships R1 and R2 belongs to Account A1 where Contact A belongs to both R1 and R2 and Contact B belongs to only R2.

Go to report builder 'Relationship person' object(select personid,relationship id,companyid )

We retrieve 3 entries

Contact A with Relationship R1 of Account A1

Contact A with Relatioship R2 of Account A1

Contact B with Relationship R2 of Account A1

Hi Jyothi-

I'm still not clear what Salesforce field Gainsight is using to associate a contact with a relationship.

When ingesting contacts en masse via the Rules Engine, how does Gainsight determine which relationship a contact is associated with?

Here's an example:

Sue A. works exclusively with Product/Relationship 1 at Company 1.

Sue B. works exclusively with Product/Relationship 2 at Company 1.

We have one company (Company 1). We have two products (Product/Relationship 1, Product/Relationship 2). We have two different people named Sue that work exclusively with one product or the other, but not both.

What fields does Gainsight look at to determine which Product/Relationship each individual Sue needs to be associated with?




We need some value to be common in your Contacts and Relationship for us to be able to tell which relationship a contact is associated with.

This should be something unique in your Relationships object, ideally Relationship ID or possible Name.

Assume this is what your Relationships data looks like:

Relationship Name, SFDC ID, GSID

Acme - Product 1, SFDC001, 1P001

Acme - Product 2, SFDC002, 1P002

ABC - Product 1, SFDC003, 1P003

You now decide that your Relationship Names are unique and can be used to identify a relationship from the Relationship object. Your contacts data would then need to look like:

Name, Email, Title, Relationship Name

Sue,, Acme - Product 1

Sue,, Acme - Product 2

In the Load to Relationship Person rule, you then need to configure the "Derived Mapping" to fetch the GSID from the Relationship object for the corresponding Relationship.

Here's how that would look like:

Hope this helps!


