
Embed Page on C360 Refuse to Connect

  • 21 April 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi Community,

Has anyone had difficulties embedding a external link to C360? I tried embedded a tableau dash into C360, but I keep running into this error “tableau.[companyname].com refused to connect.”

Has anyone solved this or know how?


6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @AgassiTran - have you created a share link from within Tableau or are you just using the standard URL from the browser?

Hi @dan_ahrens,


Yup! I did create a shared link in Tableau, but I still ran into that error issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hi @AgassiTran I’ve converted this into a Zendesk ticket so that our support team can help you further. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Any update on this one?  I’ve been successful at other orgs in doing this but running into some challenges in my current role :) 

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Is there any update on this issue or workaround that has been created?  We are running into the same issue.  We tried copying the URL and using the share link functionality.  We also tried using a generic public website (yahoo) and still seeing the same error.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

@RGrieco and support… I had some success with this.  You will need a publicly shared URL from your Tableau admin and then need to append the following at the end of the URL: 




This was successful in helping us get to the Okta auth page and then to the content. 
