I do not know wny are we not allowing Rich Text fields in Filter conditions in Rules Engine, JO Query Builder, Data Designer features.
I think this is required to achieve the below sample use-cases:
Use-case 1:
We are sending a NPS Survey to Customers. If we receive any comments, we would like to create CTA. If not, we would like to automate “Thank you” email using JO.
Use-case 2:
We are trying to push the Scorecard Comments from Scorecard to another place in salesforce. We would like to retain most recent comments. If anyone removed comments, we should not push NULL to Salesforce.
In these cases, it will be helpful. alternatively we can build an extra MDA Object(As we are als onot allowing to create new fields in NPS Survey Responses Object) but it requires another extra rule to push the data from original object. This will become a complex process for these simple use-cases.