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Our CSMs manage any “support” related requests from our customers. I’m curious how other organizations enable 1:Many support requests through Gainsight in an effort to allow customers to self-serve rather simple requests, and allow tracking of these requests in GS. My first thought was to look how to leverage surveys, but our current form has a 3 tier logic for some options and I’m not sure how clean survey reporting would be with surveys.

Currently we do this through a Freshdesk form which will integrate with Gainsight (allowing us to create a CTA for the CSM to manage), but the description field which would provide additional details needed to complete the task. Currently Gainsight doesn’t support pulling data from the description field. This will mean we would have to work these requests in two places: email and Gainsight. 


Hi @Jen.BPeters 

Can you elaborate on what you mean by the CSM manage the “support” related requests? What are these requests for? How do the CSM manage them? Why do they manage them? 

In most organizations, I believe the support team is separate from the customer success team and we’d need to understand in a bit more detail how it works for you and the rationale for it to suggest some ideas.



@alizee our product isn’t highly technical, so we don’t have a support team.  The requests CSMs manage are things like content audit, reports, trackable campaign links, etc. These requests are emailed to the CSM or uncovered during 1-1 interactions. 

With our move to scale CS, especially for the digital segment, we want customers to request these through a form (currently we use Freshdesk) either on their own or after a 1:Many experience (webinar or an office hours). We’d like the data from that form to integrate with GS by creating a CTA so CSMs can manage those requests in their Cockpit, but also so we can collect data on which accounts are making requests, what are the top requests, how long does it take to resolve requests, etc. Additionally, this could possibly help us understand engagement from those in the digital tier.

Hi @Jen.BPeters 


Basing myself on your existing Freshdesk setup, here are some thoughts to build what you required:

Since you are currently capturing those “tickets” from Freshdesk, have you setup the Freshdesk connector in your Gainsight instance? It provides a single directional flow of information from Freshdesk to Gainsight (you can write Freshdesk Companies, Freshdesk Tickets, Freshdesk Contacts and Freshdesk Agents), which you can run overnight or several times a day. With the right architecture, you can connect these objects (and their data) to your Gainsight companies.

From that setup, you’d be able to create all the reporting required BUT not manage requests in Gainsight. 

To take this further, off the object in which you’ll store incidents (you can use the standard case object for that purpose), you will be able to create and run a rule that will generate a CTA for the CSM on the account to take action, with some degree of details for the ticket (the connector doesn’t have access to all fields, so that could be caveat). 

From that setup, you could build your reporting off the CTA object instead of the Freshdesk Tickets or standard case object. This would be more precise in terms of “time to first resolution” tracking etc.

However, the connector being single-directional, this won’t close tickets in Freshdesk automatically so you’d have to have another automation in place to take care of that (with API directly or some other form of automation). 

Hope this provides some initial food for thought!



@alizee thank you. This is the approach we are taking. Currently the “Description” field in Freshdesk doesn’t sync over to Gainsight, but GS Support let us know that this is on the roadmap for a fix Q2. We’ll plan to work out of two systems to grab any additional details for now, but that isn’t ideal.

If something should happen and a fix can’t occur, I’m wondering what is our option. One thought was perhaps we could use Zapier somehow to connect the form to Gainsight to get all the fields.

@Jen.BPeters If a fix for the description can’t happen, you can always envisage the survey option… although mapping a request back to a customer would be dependent on your contact data quality (imagining you’d map on email as an identifier).  


You handle requests in Freshdesk in full and feed the Freshdesk data to Gainsight to do your reporting in Gainsight as suggested above, as you could do pretty much the same reporting you’re asking for from Freshdesk data brought over to Gainsight. 
