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This article is the most info I've found so far on the Person object model:

In the section about Company Person, this is said about the Role field:

We have some different Role values on our Salesforce Contacts and, before I sync a large number of records into the Person model, I want to align our Roles to match. I can't find a way to edit this field or configure the roles. Is this a red herring or might someone be able to help me with this?

Hi Andy,

We do ship those 5 roles by default, but you can also add your own roles.

Go to Data Management -> Dropdown Lists (It'll be an option on the left-hand side of the page) -> Select the "CompanyPersonRole" dropdown list -> On the top-right you should see the option to add an item.

You can see instructions on how to add items (with.gifs) here:


