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We have a field in the MDA that gets updated everyday with a clients monthly active users number. We have a CTA that gets trigerred when their MAU increase by over 10% month over month. We also want to create a report that shows a list of all our clients that has had a 10% increase in MAU month over month. Is there a way to create a report like this with a calculated field? 
Hi Berin,

We don't currently have a way to recreate the calculated fields in reports, however you can use the rules engine. You'll need to write the data to an object in order to use it in a report. Depending on the structure of your data in the MDA, you could create a new field on your object and use the rules engine (Load to MDA action type) to load the value to this field. Once you have that data available in MDA, you can filter on customers that had a 10% increase.

A few questions to consider - How is your data currently structured in the MDA? Do you have one record / account / month or does each account have several records? 

Let me know if this helps and happy to help troubleshoot!
Alternatively, since you are already generating CTAs for all such customers, you could just build a report on the CTA object and pull in the names. Would that work for you?
Thank you both! Will try that option
Also do you know if this can be added as a product request? 
