
Is there a way for a non-Gainsight user to make a CTA for a Gainsight user?

  • 28 July 2017
  • 3 replies

  • Shoshin
  • 314 replies
Hey folks,

We are a CS team which has converted from being part of the Tech Support group. We're about 2 years in now, but still have some lingering processes. 

Chief among them is still using Cases in Salesforce. Our Tech Support team uses these heavily. We even created a separate Case type for Customer Success items. If a member of the Tech Support team discovered a CS item during a support interaction, they would create a CS Case for us to look into it. This has worked fine, but I want to get the CS team focusing exclusively Cockpit and CTAs.

The challenge is that no one on the Tech Support team has a Gainsight license. So, is there any good way for a non-Gainsight user to make a CTA  and have it be assigned to the Account Owner (who would be a Gainsight user)? 

I can think of some hacky ways this could work, but would l love to hear if anyone else has crossed this bridge.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Hi Ben,

It seems to me that you could have the support agent set a field on the Case and close it, and have a Rule look for recently-closed Cases with that field value, and generate the CTAs. That way, you wouldn't need to train the Tech Support team in how to use Gainsight.
Userlevel 6
Badge +2
If they don't have a Gainsight license, we can do what Seth suggested. We can build a rule to auto-create a CTA for each Case (CS type) created by the TS team. We can also link the Case to the CTA (using CTA linked objects), so that the two processes are always connected. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +4
There is also a licensing option that is a limited license for the use of support agents - we call this our "service cloud widget".  This does require a license and was designed for this use case.    The details of the functionality are included here:
