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We created a calculated field in SF called "Region" that then gets loaded into the Company object. I am hoping to build a report that will show a count of accounts by the CSM and this region field. I want to start with the Customers object because it has a lookup to the SF Account Object and has many of the filters I would use (Record Types, etc), but need to get Region from the Company object.

Any advice? Am I approaching this the right way?


Hi Mai - Which object in SFDC contains the calculated field you mentioned that gets loaded to Company?

Any particular reason it has to come from the Company object?

Company is essentially a synced copy of Account & Customer Info from Salesforce. If the Region is populated on the SF Account record, and is just getting synced to the Company object, then if you run a report off the Customer Info object it should be the same as if you were running it off the Company object, since Company is essentially a copy of SF Account & Customer Info.

If you *have* to get it from Company, then you'll have to either use a BIonic Rule to map the Accounts to the Company records, and export the file. Alternatively (and what I have done in my environment) you can create fields on the Company object that map to the Salesforce fields you would need to filter on, and sync those via Gainsight Connect. Then you would have everything you need in the Company table to create the report.

Hey Jeff, it doesn't have to come from company, but part of the reason why I loaded it somewhere is because Region is a formula field and you can't group by formula fields. So right now there is a bionic rule that takes Region and loads it into Company as a string; no real reason it's being loaded into company other than there happens to be other relevant info in that object.

Hi Kate, it is in the Account object. I mentioned to Jeff below that it's a formula field so I can't group by it in reports as is.

I agree it would probably benefit you to add Account attributes to your Company object by adding those fields and then mapping them through Gainsight Connect - you don't need to use a rule to load data from Account/Customer Info to the Company object, you can do it in one step from Gainsight Connect.

Another idea would be to use a Region field on the Customer Info object which is just a string (you can load it through the same rule you're loading to Company - just add another action). Then, you can pull your report off of the Customer Info object instead of the Company object.

Gotcha. Well, if you take the other fields that you normal filter accounts by and load those to Company also (GS Connect should help) then you should be able to run a report natively off the Company object. Otherwise, you'll have to go the Bionic Rule path as I suggested above, but you will only be able to export that file. Hope that helps

Makes sense; I'll give those a shot. Thanks to you both @kate_green and @darkknight !
