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A question about License usage by our teams. We have bunch of Full and viewer licenses and are interested to know if there is a way you can help us to gather stats for the license use.

We want to know if our team members are actually logging into the application and using it :

1. Adding entries into Timeline

2. Clicking on different tabs to consume information

3. Actioning on CTAs/playbooks (I expect this to be the lowest as we are not fully using this feature)

​I am going through the documentation here :

But I dont think this is what we are looking for.


Hello Sainyam,

From your use case, there are two ways you can do this (depending on the extent of info you need).

1. The first way is the out of the box way. In Admin > Gainsight 360, you can see the details on usage in the usage details secton. It also has details on how often the users are logging, support tickets your team has ever raised etc. Lots of good stuff.

2. You can create functionality specific reporting. For example, for Timeline, you can create a simple report on <count of> entries per author with a filter criteria such as activty date is within the last 30 days.

3. Bonus: You also may be getting the usage reports in your email as well. This may be more high level than what you are looking for but it is a good indication of the depth of usage among your users (who is a heavy user of Gainsight vs. not)

Thank you Meenal for your response.

One of the Gainsight Support Analyst Pramanik Bighnaraj, helped me pointing towards:

So, this is helpful.

I will also try your second point of creating report based on timeline activity

For the last point, the usage report is something that I will have to schedule myself after I setup usage data within G360 or is this something GS team can setup for me, if I request.

Let me know.


The Gainsight contact should be able to opt you in for these emails. I have set this up for you and you should start recieveing these reports going forward.

Thank You , Meenal.
