Gainsight support provided the following (which worked for our team):
Here are some more details regarding a Lightning URL. The parameters in a lightning URL are base64 encoded. Let's take the following Lightning URL as an example:
In this URL, the base URL is "". Everything following this (excluding the
is the URL parameter, and it is base64 encoded.
If you decode the following encoded parameter value
You would get the following json:
In this JSON, the "address" part represents the same address that you generated using the formula field.
To populate the Lightning URL into a text field in Salesforce using Apex, you can use the following sample code:
List<Account> lAccounts = tSelect Id, Company_GSID__c, Name From Account limit 2000];
Map<Id,Account> AccountWithUrl = new Map<Id,Account>(lAccounts);
for(Account acc : lAccounts){
String base = '';
String pageJson = '{"componentDef":"one:alohaPage","attributes":{"address":"'+acc.Company_GSID__c+'"},"state":{}}';
//Blob encoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(pageJson);
acc.NewURLField__c = base + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(pageJson));
AccountWithUrl.put(acc.Id, acc);
update AccountWithUrl.values();
Please note that this is just a sample script to demonstrate how to create and update the URL.
@manda.edmonds I’m assuming you do not want to direct users to the standalone login of NXT?
@gunjanm We try to keep our users within the Salesforce environment, and the above solution worked brilliantly!
Spoke with Support about this and they gave us these links for the C/R360s.
For Relationship 360 -<Replace this with Relationship GSID>
For Company 360-<Replace this with Company GSID>